Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Perfect Day

The day had finally come; Billy and George had been planning this forever. They were to ditch school today. As their mothers woke them up they jumped out of bed, and ran into their respective showers. They were so excited for the day that they forgot to take off their pajamas. School would be over in a week and other schools were already out. But Billy and George couldn’t wait a week, the day was too nice and they had been planning this all year. Each acted as though nothing was out of the ordinary and after they showered they got dressed and ate breakfast. After leaving their respective homes they met at Al’s fresh produce. After that they continued on to the beach.

It had been a hard night of partying for Mike and he woke up to find himself floating in the middle of a pool. He paddled to the edge and struggled to land as the sun glared down on him. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. Bodies lay everywhere, it was as if an army of red plastic cups had invaded overnight and there were 3 kegs which lay empty on the lawn. Mike smiled to himself. He looked at his phone, it was 11. He had slept enough. School had ended just the day before and summer had truly started off with a bang. He took his keys out of his pocket and began to make his way through the house. He couldn’t believe all the people and when he reached the front door he turned around in amazement and stood in awe at all the bodies. He turned and went out the front door, slamming it behind him.

Billy checked his watch, it was 11. He and George had been hiding for like 3 hours; surely the coast was clear by now. He nudged George and told him to check, the coast was clear and they left their closet hiding space and made their way to the beach through town.

Mike, upon starting his car, realized how hungry he was. He hit the gas and sped off, thinking of where to eat. All of a sudden two kids pop out of nowhere. Mike hit the breaks, honked his horn, and swerved simultaneously.

George screamed as Billy pulled him back from the swerving car. It was a close call, but they were all right, and the drive had just kept going. They looked down the road, they were almost out of town and there had been no problems with the exception of almost being hit by a car. They thought themselves very fortunate for not having been seen. Once out of town it was still a good 10 minute walk to the beach. They looked at each other then continued walking, almost out of town.

Mike looked behind him and saw the boys just walk off. “Thank God,” he thought to himself. He had decided to go to Lucky Boy to eat. He pulled into the parking lot and parked. When he got up to the counter he decided to get a bacon breakfast burrito and an orange bang. He took his receipt and waited for number 81 to be called. He sat in a booth and waited. His number was called and he got his food. As he sat down a group of people walked in. They were his friends, they sat and ate with him. After they finished they decided to go to the beach.

Well out of town now George was getting worried that people were looking for them. Billy kept a level head and told him to relax. All of a sudden it hit them, the sea air, it was glorious. They began to run towards the aroma and started hearing the crash of waves against the rocks, they ran faster. They arrived at the sight simultaneously. They stood in awe for a moment or two just looking out into the ocean, and then they began to climb down the rocks.

Mike had just hit 80 mph and checked his review mirror, he wasn’t taking this race seriously, and he knew his Audi had a lot more power. They were all back there somewhere. He slowed up and waited for them. Once they caught up he would floor it again and be gone. Mike reached the beach a couple of minutes before the rest. He opened his door and looked out at the ocean.

George and Billy finished skipping their stones and lay down on the rocks. They didn’t think anything could be this fun. Ditching school made this beach trip that much better, it made the air that much sweeter and the day that much nicer. They were happy. The serene methodical sound of the waves was broken by car engines and tires screeching. They sat up and looked back.

Mike was staring. He was looking at the two boys down on the rocks. His friends had arrived and were yelling at him. He shook his head and took his eyes off the boys. He walked over to his friends and took a shot.

Billy and George saw the group of highschoolers and chose to ignore them, they knew they wouldn’t be bothered. Tomorrow the two would have to go back to school, they would have to explain their actions. But it wasn’t tomorrow, it was now, and they continued watching the pelicans and listening to the waves.

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